App description

The CTA App has 5 tabs: How To’s, Contact us, home, Find us and calendar. Under the How To’s section: There are written guides for Macbook, Windows and Linux Computers. The charity I’m working with gives beneficiaries refurbished laptops, so users can check these guides to set up their new computers. Additionally, there’s a link …

Redesigning the map view

I showed version 1.0. of the app to Cat (the CEO) of the charity: This feedback is from version 1.0. made me rethink the layout of the app. I realized that adding extra unnecessary visuals could complicate the view and make it more difficult for beneficiaries to navigate. Version 2.0. takes away the unnecessary visuals …

On Wednesdays we make Apps

 In order to keep each other accountable, Annie (classmate) and I are meeting on Wednesdays and setting each other tasks for the upcoming week. For next week we set the following; To do – for Wednesday 17th: App dev:⁃ Code from what we have learnt from 1.5 lessons – basic shapes/structure of a view. This …

CTA V 1.0. interview review

After showing her the Figma, here is the feedback give to me from the Community tech aid CEO : the yellow and beige contrast colour too low, so I have to check the contrast Logo: change to a white background instead of turquoise -CTA has video content available for how to’s, I could add these …

Designing the UI for version 1.0.

Lucky for me, CTA already had a Figma brand guidelines template. I used this design style to design the first version Below is my first design concept for the app, using the colours and fonts of the CTA Guideline. FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS: The app logo needs defining, I don’t like the current one too much. I’ll …